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Proofreading is the final stage before publishing and will identify spelling, grammar and punctuation errors, as well as pick up any issues with layout or language used, to ensure your work is as polished as it can be. Proofreading may be completed as a comprehensive service, or as a final pass if you just want the confidence of that last look through before you hit 'publish' 


A full proofread focuses on:

  • Capitalisation and hyphenation

  • Consistency in style

  • Dialogue tags and action beats

  • Homophones and homonyms

  • Removal of unnecessary paragraphs and spaces

  • Repetitive or overused words and phrases

  • Spelling, grammar and punctuation errors 

  • Use of pronouns and titles

Proofreading includes creation of a style sheet detailing standard punctuation, hyphenation, capitalisation, spelling variations and character and place names

On a Laptop


Copyediting can be divided into developmental or substantive editing, and line editing. In developmental editing, I will look at the big picture of your work, identifying any inconsistencies, plot issues or areas where the characterisation or story could be improved. Line editing focuses more on sentence structure and flow, and the nuts and bolts of your writing


Line editing focuses on:

  • Characterisation and consistency of character voice

  • Clichés and awkward metaphors

  • Dialogue versus description balance

  • Flow of sentence structure

  • Layout guidance

  • Overuse of filter and filler words

  • Problematic language or stereotyping

  • Repetition of words or phrases

  • Showing versus telling

  • Use of tenses and prepositions

Line edits include creation of a style sheet detailing standard punctuation, hyphenation, capitalisation, spelling variations and character and place names

Developmental editing focuses on:

  • Characterisation

  • Consistency of style

  • Inconsistencies

  • Overall story structure

  • Pacing

  • Plot holes

  • Story and character arcs

Developmental edits include a comprehensive report which will give feedback on plot, characterisation, consistency with genre and overall style and tone

Reading a Book

Beta Reading

Beta reading allows you to get feedback on your work from the perspective of a reader, to give you an idea of whether the story and characters are having the impact you want them to have, and help to identify any issues a reader may pick up before publication. Feedback can be provided using Microsoft Word's Track Changes function, or Adobe commenting tools, depending on your preference

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